TUESDAY, April 7, 2015 - “Understanding Equine Liability in Connecticut”
TUESDAY, April 7, 2015 - “Understanding Equine Liability in Connecticut”
Sponsored by: UConn Department of Animal Science , UConn Extension , Connecticut Horse Counci l, and the
Connecticut Farm Bureau Association
RSVP to : Dr. Jenifer A. Nadeau ( jenifer.nadeau@uconn.edu or 860-486-4471 or Stacey Stearns ( stacey.stearns@uconn.edu or 860-486-9228)
Guest Speakers
Doug Dubitsky Esq. , Equine and Agriculture Law. Doug will cover the recent Supreme Court decision regarding
Equine liability and the state statute responding to the Court’s decision.
Ron Hocutt, Farm Family Insurance. Ron will discuss insurance options and what every horse owner and
Equestrian business needs to know.
Henry Talmage, Connecticut Farm Bureau Association. Henry will discuss how a bill becomes a law and what
Horse owners in Connecticut need to do moving forward.
Time: 7 PM - 9 PM
Location: Connecticut Horse Council Meeting
EVERSOURCE - Formerly: Northeast Utilities Building
107 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT, 06111 See info attached.
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