Let us know your interest, comments, questions or concerns by completing the form below.
Our Mailing Address:
The Connecticut Horse Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 57 Durham, CT 06422-0057
Media Inquiries:
Please contact
CHC holds quartely meetings March, June, September and December, the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. Please join us at the Northeast Utilities Building at 107 Selden Street, Berlin CT 06037.
The public is welcome. You may also contact the specific committee chairs directly, as below:
The Connecticut Horse Council Committee members are individuals who volunteer
their time by uniting together to help the equine industry grow.
Diane Ciano |
Membership Carol Birdsey, Chairman Middletown, CT (860)-344-1804 membership@cthorsecouncil.org |
Newsletter Diane Ciano Plymouth, CT (203)-757-1904 dianemciano@gmail.com |
Recording Secretary Carol Birdsey, Chairman Middletown, CT (860) 344-1804 membership@cthorsecouncil.org |
Social Media & Marketing Randy Olmstead Terryville, CT (860)-601-9136 randy@allgreenhydroseed.com |
Animal Health & Welfare Laurianne Goulet Cromwell, CT (860)-997-6434 CTHorse911@cthorsecouncil.org |
Education Dr. Jennifer Nadeau 860-486-4471 |
Legislation & Zoning |
Road Safe Diane Ciano Plymouth, CT (203)-757-1904 dianemciano@gmail.com |
Trails Diane Ciano Plymouth, CT (203)-757-1904 dianemciano@gmail.com |